Saturday, March 12, 2011

more winners

Whew! That is fun! I have 3 more winners to announce since we made it to 30!

Here we go...

So, that makes the winners: LORI, YVONNE and ELLIE A! (In addition to Joce!) YAY! Send me your email addresses aj_mcgarvey AT and I will send those doilies right out to you.

And, don't forget the drawings will continue until Monday morning, so you still have a chance. I have doily hearts and butterflies to give away as well, so you might find a couple of those in your mail box. And, if we get to 50 I have a much bigger prize to giveaway. (Okay, it's not a silhouette or anything. But, it's fun and you'll like it!)


  1. Wow thanks Jennie! Ive emailed you x

  2. GET OUT!! Ha... :) See I came to see your take on the sketch and see I won GET OUT !How cool off to email you thanks again darling :)
